Busy prepping for my final service before bunking off on leave on Sunday evening. Therefore, the theme of 'Rest' seems perfectly appropriate.
We may need to be a bit creative in terms of set up, because we will be packing away our Holiday Club during the afternoon before the service. I like the idea of a journey that comes with a labyrinth, but space and time will probably be against us. Therefore, I am going to use the outside aisles of our worship space as a path to follows, with the eight stations evenly spread along the way.
There aren't many hugely complex activities in this, I was imagining simple reading and stilling time at each point with one or two visual things to help.
I attach a pdf of the station texts. If you find them useful please let me know!
Download My soul is at rest stations 30 Jul 17
If I get the time I might add some photos.