The weeks have passed, and it is now down to days until I head north for my walk.
I had made several longer runs than I had previously been undertaking; up onto the hills and along the road for 5km each way. I noticed that my trusty Lowa Renegade boots, used almost every day for the last twenty months (including my walking trip in the Dolomites last June), were showing signs of wear and I made the last minute decision to replace them like for like.
However, I still hadn't walked for the sort of distance I would need to be putting in each day and so I took the opportunity to walk to a meeting in town rather than drive. I calculated (using the OS Map app) that this was just under 13km each way which would be a really good test of boots and legs in particular.
One of the key things I learnt in the Italian mountains, thanks to the excellent example of our guide, was that one did not walk past a Refugio with taking the chance to rehydrate and refuel - usually a beer and a plate of strudel! Therefore, I made use of two cafes on my trial walk. We think of our country as being densely populated, but it is amazing how easily it is to find oneself alone on a byway. I passed a walker, a jogger and a cyclist (and a couple of cars on the lanes) but otherwise it felt like I had the world to myself.
The local town has a prehistoric trackway, clearly predating the roads, trading estates and housing. Walking in a straight line through the changing urban landscape felt like taking a core sample and examining the various layered deposits; the overgrown bushes alongside the railings and fencing, emerging to cross a busy road before disappearing once more, and then out along pavements fronting houses, schools and shops.
I was pleased to have learned how to avoid blisters when I was in the mountains, and it felt good to have boots with feet comfortably supported. I was tiring by the time I got within a mile of two of home, as to be expected. I had some muscle stiffness the next day on the front and back of my lower leg. I have been developing a daily routine of stretches, and so I will add these two muscle groups to the list.